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“He Would Have Had To Sleep In A Coffin”



Tom Cruise’s Interview With The Vampire Position Was Provided To One other Actor ( Picture Credit score – Wikimedia )

Tom Cruise is arguably one of many greatest motion film stars on the earth. Earlier than being forged within the world-renowned franchise Mission Unimaginable, he had led extremely profitable movies, together with “Top Gun” and “Born on the Fourth of July.”

Starring in motion pictures like “Rain Man” and the 1996 hit movie “Interview With The Vampire” proved the motion star might additionally shine as a dramatic actor. However director Neil Jordan revealed Tom Cruise wasn’t the primary option to play Lesat. The film was tailored from Anne Rice’s unique ebook of the identical title.

In an excerpt from his new memoir, printed in The Telegraph, Jordan mirrored on his determination to forged Tom Cruise reverse Brad Pitt, revealing he initially supplied the function to Oscar winner Daniel Day-Lewis.

 Jordan revealed that Lewis, whose dedication to technique performing is nicely documented, declined to tackle the function. Jordan recalled, “I offered it to Daniel, who read it and, as I expected, didn’t want to play the character.”

Jordan defined just a few years in the past that Lewis “had confined himself to a wheelchair to play Christy Brown in ‘My Left Foot” and didn’t relish sleeping in a coffin for the complete manufacturing.

Jordan mentioned, “He would have had to sleep in a coffin for the entirety of this production if he had followed the same practice. So we moved on.”

Jordan reaclled after Cruise was introduced to star as Lestat, he confronted backlash from followers and the ebook writer Anne. Jordan said, “Half of America, it seemed, had read Anne Rice’s books and wanted a say in the casting of Lestat. Anne herself took to the airwaves, saying that it was as if I had cast Edward G Robinson as Rhett Butler. But she was wrong and was later big enough to admit it.”

Nonetheless, after the film was launched, critics praised Cruise’s function.

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